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Anticovidian v.2 COVID-19: Hypothesis of the Lab Origin Versus a Zoonotic Event which can also be of a Lab Origin:



 "The conception of Jesus Christ required the direct intervention of God (Luke 1:30-35, 38). The angel Gabriel was sent to a virgin named Mary… "And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord’ be it unto me according to thy word” (Lk. 1:38). It was done "And the Word was made flesh” (John 1:14a). Mary conceived in her womb (Lk. 1:31). This was miraculous, as conception does not take place in the womb ordinarily. This is further proof that no earthly being had part in this matter. God had to start the last Adam off on the same footing as the first Adam; He had to have perfect body, soul and spirit, and thus be perfect physically, mentally and spiritually. If Joseph had been His father, Jesus Christ could not have been the Savior of the world for He would have been conceived in sin. Sin so poisoned the bloodstream and polluted the mind that the very nature of mankind was warped... no two human parents were capable of producing another Adam. It took a direct act of creation on the part of God to bring about such a miracle! …”

 "God had formed, made and created the first Adam and to bring forth another by seemingly natural means would pose no great problem… God is all wise and has foreknowledge beyond man’s comprehension. In the beginning when God first made man and woman He gave them the ability to reproduce and He set certain laws in operation pertaining to reproduction. God knew He would be able to rely upon these laws at the appointed time for the Savior’s conception and birth.”

 "God created perfect seed for the conception that took place in Mary’s womb, thus producing a perfect man of flesh and blood untainted by sin.”

 "The law regarding the life of the flesh being on the blood (Lev. 17:11) worked out perfectly in this case because this life-giving element is contributed by the father upon conception. The life-giving seed was perfect and sinless in this miraculous conception, therefore Jesus had pure, innocent life in His blood. At the time of conception 23 pairs of chromosomes, which carry thousands of genes are united, whereby the potentialities for growth and development are transmitted to the new organism. The genes carry physical and hereditary characteristics of the parents. They are of two types, either dominant or recessive. The genes from the father and the mother unite and the dominant genes prevail over those that are recessive. Each body cell contains 46 chromosomes. They occur in pairs. One member of each pair comes from the mother, and the other from the father. Within that perfect seed that God created for the conception of Jesus Christ were 23 perfect chromosomes, which carried perfect genes (therefore dominant). Since all human beings had been rendered less than perfect by sin, sickness and disease, no genes from Mary, which united with the perfect ones created by God, could be dominant over those created by God”.

 "Imperfection cannot prevail over perfection. The recessive genes would be present in the fetus but they would be latent (existing but unrevealed, lying hidden and undeveloped. Heb. 2:14 bears witness to this: "children partake (koinoneo, share fully), Jesus took part (metecho, share in part only) of flesh and blood”. That part being flesh (genetically speaking) [Rom. 1:3, Jn. 7:42, 2 Tim. 2:8].”

 "We see here the infinite wisdom and power of God in this creative act. Had Mary’s genes been dominant and carried a mutation (a sudden variation in some inheritable characteristic) God’s prophecies concerning Christ would have been stymied, and the Lamb of God would not have been without spot or blemish. God, with His full knowledge, weighted the issues and arranged the laws regarding conception, the relation of genes and chromosomes, with the Christ in mind.”

 "The law of dominance is defined as follows: "That in every individual there is a pair of determining factors (genes) for each unit character, one from each parent; if these factors are different, one character (the dominant) appears in the organism, the other (the recessive) being latent; the recessive character can appear in the organism only when the dominant is absent.”

 "Therefore, we see Jesus Christ did not take the nature of angels but He took the seed of Abraham (Heb. 2:16). The genealogy in Matthew chapter one further proves Mary’s lineage through David and Abraham; thus Jesus was of the seed of David and Abraham. This was His genotype (the fundamental constitution of an organism in terms of its hereditary factors).”

 "God anointed Jesus Christ with His spirit and He ministered on the earth as "The son of man,” the One who has universal dominion on the earth, God set the first Adam on a perfect earth but he sinned and failed God. God set the last Adam (Jesus Christ) in a world overrun with sin, fear, sickness, disease and death, and He began to set things in order by healing, teaching and delivering those oppressed by the devil. He exercised His dominion when he rebuked the winds and calmed the waves. He succeeded in everything the Father gave Him to do.”

"There is no other perfect man between the original Adam and the Christ, for Jesus Christ is the second man (1 Cor. 15:47). There is none after Christ for He is "the last Adam” (1 Cor. 15:45; Romans 5:12, 14, 17-19), "Therefore as by the offence of one, judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one, the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life. For as by one man's disobedience MANY were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall MANY be made righteous” (Rom. 5:18-19)”.

"[When we were born,] we were identified with Adam, we sinned with Adam, and we died in sin with Adam. But now [when we are born again], we who believe in Jesus Christ identify with Him. We died with Jesus and were raised unto life with Him (Ephesians 2:4-7).”

"Now, the same dominion and power that was once the first Adam’s has been reclaimed in Christ, the last Adam. Believers in Christ today also have this dominion as joint-heirs with Christ (Rom. 8:17) for it is written, "Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world” (1 Jn. 4:4)”.

 "The word "Adam” denotes his origin as being made from the dust of adamah, ground. Whenever the word "man” occurs with the definite article (The man, ha adam) it should be translated as the proper noun "Adam”. It is also used of Adam’s descendants. GOD HIMSELF formed Adam’s body of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils (made in him) the breadth of life and Adam became a living soul (Gen. 2:7). "God is Spirit”, therefore His image would be Spirit (Gen. 1:26,27). Adam was the prince of this world (Ps. 8:4-6) [but Adam transferred that privilege to the Adversary of God: "And the devil said unto him [unto Jesus Christ], All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it” (Lk. 4:6). See also Jn. 12:31, Jn. 14:30, Jn. 16:11]”.

 "The title "son of man” relates to dominion on the earth. When used of Christ with the definite article "The” it denotes the second Man or the last Adam, taking the place the first man had forfeited. Therefore Christ succeeded to the universal dominion over the earth, which had been originally committed to the first Adam. This first Adam was a threefold being of body, soul and spirit, perfect in every aspect, physically, mentally and spiritually. In Luke 3:38 he is referred to as "the son of God,” for God’s Spirit was upon him. Adam could commune with God without fear or condemnation for there was no sin or death on the earth until Adam was tempted, disobeyed God and fell from his glorious position as lord of the earth… "In Adam all die” (1 Cor. 15:22)”.

 "The first Adam’s reign was short in duration but the last Adam’s reign shall be forever, for of His kingdom there shall be no end. God has "set him [Jesus Christ] at his own right hand in the heavenly places, Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come: And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, Which is his body, the fullness of him that filleth all in all” (Eph. 1:20b-22).” God has declared "That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2:10-11).”

[Talley, Patricia T., Jesus Christ, The Last Adam (1 Cor. 15:45, 49), Another Study in Biblical Accuracy, American Christian Press, 9 p.]




Custance suggests that the germ plasm of the egg cell seems to be normally unaffected by corruption as it is passed down from generation to generation.  He discusses reasons for believing that the germ plasm in the egg contributed by Mary (or any women) would result in a perfect human being if (and only if) it were united with a perfect sperm from the male side. Quotations: From Custance’s Note 115. "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.” (Rom. 5:12). "By one man, sin entered into the world, and death by sin,” it says "by one man,” single and singular, not "by two people,” as might have been supposed since Adam and Eve were both in collaboration.  It is apparent that the seed of the man is the viaduct that carries the corruption.  Adam introduced into the body to all succeeding generations.  Scripture studiously avoids by never attributing the entrance of death to Eve.  The seed of the man and the seed of the woman play antithetical roles in the redemptive history of man. Thus physical death was introduced, it entered, it was a novelty for human kind, and it entered by man, not by woman, and it is passed on from generation to generation via the male seed.  The seed of the woman is not the viaduct of death, but of life (Gen. 3:15).  Mortality replaced immortality by the action of one man and this physiological defect was then transmitted by natural procreation to all his descendants ("death entered by sin,” Rom. 5:12).  Adam, endowed with immortality by the Creator, forfeited that immortality by his sin and entailed to all his descendants the poisoned constitution, which he had acquired.”  Note 196. "A human egg is a spherical cell...which is one of the largest cells in the body, and when placed against a dark background it is just visible to the naked eye...The large size of the egg cell is due mainly to deposits of yolk in the cytoplasm...In contrast to the egg, the sperm is the smallest cell in the body...The volume of an egg cell is about 85,000 times that of a sperm” (Ursula Mittwoch, Genetics of Sex Differentiation, N.Y., Academic Press, 1973, p. 84, 85). 

Note 228 (end). "[Jesus Christ] was not preserved against the inheritance of original sin by some act of cleansing, but by the exclusion of natural generation.  The male seed had to be by-passed.  It is perhaps time now to explore afresh the significance of the necessity of virginal conception in the light of modern knowledge.”  From Chapter 18: "Whatever the nature of the defect in the male seed brought about by the entrance of the poison, it is almost certainly the channel by which the mortogenic factor is introduced into the ovum at the time of conception, even though the effect itself is not felt in the presumptive organism until the multiplying cells begin the process of differentiation for the express purpose of forming body cells,” "Sir Gavin de Beer makes this remark: "One wonders if Pauline theologians realize that the doctrine of original sin involves the inheritance of an acquired character, for only genes can be inherited and, by the nature of the case, neither Adam nor Eve when they first appeared on the scene possessed the character they are alleged to have transmitted to all their descendants” (de Beer, Sir Gavin, review appearing in Sci. Amer., Sept., 1962, p. 268.) 

To all their descendants, save ONE! And here, if Sir Gavin had taken the thought seriously, is a further great truth which might have provoked him to think even more deeply upon the subject.  For it is evident that the acquired character of Eden was indeed transmitted and must therefore have ultimately reached the germ plasm.  The only mechanism which will satisfy all the conditions thus laid down in Scripture is one which assumes that the transmission was effected via the male seed only.  Thus, although the woman may have been the first to introduce the fatal poison into her body cells, she did not, by that act, poison her own seed, but the poison of death does enter through the male seed into the seed of the woman by the fusion of the two.  By such a mechanism the poison in Adam's body may have reached his seed, and via the cytoplasm of the seed, the poison is by fusion with the female seed passed on to the embryo,” "mortality was acquired by man, [and from there] it was inherited.  To quote Romans 5:12 again, "Death entered...and passed upon all men.”  This [is] an essential aspect of the Fall of man and his need for redemption,” "the seed of the woman is the only remnant that has retained the original immortality possessed by our first parents.  By contrast, the seed of man and the body cells of both, the man and the woman have been mortalized.  Furthermore, even the seed of the woman is fatally poisoned by fusion with the male seed.  However, this poison affects only that portion of the woman's seed, which will develop into body cells: the remainder of her seed continues to form the immortal stream of germ plasm.  Only if an ovum from this germ plasm reservoir can be fertilized by some means not natural to man [as in the virginal conception of Jesus], can a body with the original endowment of potential immortality be recovered again,” "the ovum, considered as a living organism (which indeed it is), need never experience death, provided that it is induced to divide and multiply by successive divisions,” "the single ovum becomes another ovum one generation later in history and no corpse is left behind as evidence of its death,” "the two "daughter” cells in turn divide, if fertilized, and so, the line goes on unbroken and can continue endlessly,” "fertilization of the ovum is really only a means for preserving its integrity, until one generation later, it is again released and presented for fertilization.  And so it is simply passed on and on, generation after generation, in an unbroken chain of continuous life.  The living ovum is the ovum of yesterday” (Weismann, August, Essays Upon Heredity and Kindred Biological Problems, tr. E. B. Poulton, S. Schonland and A. E. Shipley, Oxford, 1889, 1892, in 2 vols., Vol. 1, p. 26.).”

"Generation after generation, the seed of the woman reiterates itself,” in Note 236. Another view found among the Church Fathers and in Jewish literature (Pirke di R. Elieser, c. 13) is that Satan was envious of Adam and desired to murder him, by persuading him to poison himself to death.  Again, there is a measure of truth here and it is reflected in John 8:44 where the word murderer in the Greek is "man-killer.” Justin Martyr (c. 100-165 AD.), wrote: "When God formed man at the beginning, He suspended the things of nature on his [man's] will, and made [to man] one commandment.  For He ordained that, if he kept this commandment, he should partake of immortal existence; but if he transgressed it, the contrary should be his lot.  Man having thus been made, and immediately looking towards transgression, naturally became subject to corruption.  Corruption then becoming inherent in nature, it was necessary that He who wished to save should be the One to destroy the efficient cause of corruption” (a Fragment of the Lost Writings of Justin, in Ante Nicene Fathers, N.Y., Scribner, 1913, Vol. 1, p. 301).  From Chapter 8: "Cell differentiation may carry with it some kind of programmed limitation within the individual” (Inactive Enzyme Molecules in Aging Mice: Liver Aldolase, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 1973, 70:909). 

Note 124. "Dr. Clive Wood of Oxford has suggested that the appearance of "errors” in cell reproduction is under direct genetic control: "the cell carries its own aging program which ultimately results in programmed death” ("Longevity - Catalyst of Social Revolution,” New Scientist, 24 May, 1973, p. 470).  The word "error” must, therefore, be used in a rather special sense.”  This being in balance with: "a very large proportion of damaged genes revert to the original undamaged state by some built-in repair process which is only partially understood but clearly demonstrable (Chapter 22).” 

Note 227. "For "repair of DNA”: "the existence of quality-control mechanisms in living cells may account in large part for the fact that "like produces like” over many generations,” "cells are equipped to deal with some of the most serious hazards the environment can present.  The ability to recover from injury is a characteristic feature of living organisms” (P. C. Hanawalt and R. H. Haynes, "The Repair of DNA,” Sci. Amer., Feb., 1967, pp. 36-43.) 

Note 217. Quoting Boris Ephrussi, Nucleo-Cytoplasmic Relations in Microorganisms, 1953, Oxford: "Body cells do not revert [normally] because some other inheritable blueprint exists in the cell apart from the information in the nucleus.  Such information must be contained in the cytoplasm.  So, muscle cells replicate as muscle cells, because the cytoplasm is instructing them to do so, and not because of guidance provided by the nucleus.  That muscle cells do not replicate suddenly as some other kind of cell, forces us to believe that each kind of tissue is formed of cells with a unique cytoplasm.  But this cytoplasm can be acted upon by the environment and changed in its constitution so that a given type of cell may begin to build a new type of tissue,” "they [all cell types in one individual] must therefore all possess the same genotype...the differential must have its seat in the cytoplasm,” p. 4,” "the cytoplasm, like the genes, is endowed with genetic continuity.  The genes are therefore no longer to be regarded as the sole cell-constituent endowed with this property,” p. 6,” "considering that embryonic development results in a restriction (and some widening, too) in different cell lineages of the manifold potentialities originally carried by the egg, we may picture the process of differentiation as consisting, for example, in the segregation or sorting out, of an initially mixed population of cytoplasmic particles.  Or we may suppose that the egg, to begin with, contains a mixed population of inactive particles, and that development consists in the activation by nuclear genes of different sorts of lineages,” p. 100.” "The expression of those genes give rise to diverse cell types is wholly dependent on exposure of cell nuclei to a small portion of egg cytoplasm.  The general state of the cell and the activity of the cell’s cytoplasm provide important signals for the developmental programs,” "the segregation of cytoplasm during cleavage establishes extra-nuclear environments that are determinants to the developing organism” (A. I. Caplan and C. P. Ordahi, Irreversible Gene Repression Model for Control of Development, 1978, Science, 120:120-130).” 

"It is possible therefore that the poison may remain quiescent and effectively neutralized in the multiplying cells of the fertilized ovum until the cleavage has proceeded to the point of either eliminating a certain quantity of cytoplasm by reduction in cell size, or modifying certain cytoplasmic factors that had hitherto served as neutralizers.  Thereafter, the progressive change in the composition of the cytoplasm subjects the cell increasingly to the original protoplasmic poison which renders all body cells mortal as a consequence.”

Quoting B. Baccetti and B. A. Afzelius, The Biology of the Sperm Cell, Monographs in Developmental Biology #10, 1976, Karger, Basel: "the mitochondria in the sperm cytoplasm appear to have proteinaceous crystal inclusions that may account for as much as 50% or more of the sperm volume in some species,” "the spermatozoa that are not taken up by the fertilized ovum perish by the hundred million in the vicinity of it and their cumulative proteinaceous crystal may, when aggregate, form a substantial reservoir of nutrient,” "the quantity of sperm cytoplasm available to the growing ovum may be quite significant in its influence on the cytoplasm of the ovum, by absorption from its immediate environment,” "many human spermatozoa have bizarre shapes and these are probably the results of faults in the spermatogenesis.  For each particular man, a sperm sample will show many differently shaped and abnormal spermatozoa, the percentage of which is characteristic of that individual, and apparently constant throughout the years. Diseases, such as the common cold, can cause a temporary increase in the number of abnormal sperm cells.  This demonstrates the fact that the sperms are susceptible to damage from their environment.  The authors believe that in spite of the high incidence of defective or abnormal sperm, they actually have little consequence for fertilization itself, unless the proportion of normal sperm is exceptionally low, for the defective sperm do not reach the ovum, or they fail to penetrate it,” "the many defective spermatozoa are somehow prevented from attaining the fertilizing site,” pp. 19,158,160, "there is normally only one survivor (the sperm that fertilizes the ovum), out of several million,” "there is some evidence now that the sperm which do not actually fertilize the ovum, nevertheless contribute by their disintegration to the total environment in which the fertilized ovum will survive, and develop in its earliest stages by forming some essential part of its nourishment,” p. 78. "There, therefore, seem to be now in operation all the mechanisms we require, theoretically, to account for the situation that exists in humans, for whom physical death comes as an unnatural termination to life,” "if animals die and the process of fertilization is very similar, must we not then suppose that the same poison in their case is having the same effect via a similar route? Then do animals die for the same reason that man does...because they, too, have somehow been poisoned?”  "Adam and Eve were not subject to death at first,” "for humans, we might expect to find then, and I believe we should seriously look for, the mechanism whereby mortality as an acquired character has been transmitted.  There is no particular reason to assume that such a mechanism exists among other living things; indeed, we know that for millions of living things, such a mechanism does not exist, for they are truly potentially immortal”

[All quotations taken from: A. C. Custance, The Seed of the Woman, 1980, Doorway Publications, Ontario, pp. 210-232, 254-267 or online at].



 "From a physical, genetic point of view, Jesus Christ’s Father was God and his mother was Mary.  Joseph, Mary’s husband, became Jesus Christ’s human father, but not by his genetic contribution.  Joseph, by God’s direction accepted the responsibility of rearing Jesus as a son in his household.  The Bible teaches divine, supernatural conception. God was literally Jesus Christ’s Father. In any conception there are two necessary elements: the egg and the sperm:  The egg is supplied by the mother, the sperm is supplied by the father, who in this case was God.  By divine creation, God put seed within Mary.  That is how Mary, who had never had sexual relations, had Jesus Christ conceived within her. This is the miracle of Jesus Christ’s conception.  The Bible teaches that all men since Adam are born "dead in sins” (Eph. 2:5), "shapen in iniquity, in sin conceived” (Ps. 51:5), "by one man [Adam] sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned” (Rom. 5:12).  Not only is man born spiritually separated from God, he is born physically with sin, corruption, and impurities in his blood and in his soul life.  This soul life which is the natural life of man, and attested to by a person’s breathing, is found in the blood, "for the life of the flesh is in the blood” (Lev. 17:11).  While the mother and father both make genetic contributions to the flesh and blood of a child, soul life in the blood is contributed by the sperm, the seed.  It comes from the male side.  In the conception of Jesus Christ, this truth is pointedly stated in Hebrews 2:14: children "partakers [koinoneo, "to share fully”],” Jesus Christ "took part [metecho, "to take a part or portion only, not all”].”  The word "blood” is used to represent the soul life in the blood by the figure of speech metonymy of the adjunct, while "flesh” here is used for the physical part of man.  In partaking of the flesh and blood, all people have inherited their bodies and their soul life from Adam and his descendants. This soul life in the blood is corrupt with a sinful nature inherent within it.  Physically, according to the flesh, part of Jesus’ genetic makeup came from Mary.  However, the soul life in his blood (the life of the flesh in his blood) was not inherited from Mary, Adam, or any other human being.  The life within the flesh of man, within his blood, is corrupt.  But Jesus Christ’s came from God.  That is why Jesus Christ’s soul life was conceived without sin or corruption.  Sin is transmitted through this soul life, the blood, and not through the flesh.  With masterful foresight God prepared for the sinless birth of His Son, Jesus Christ, from the very beginning.  In order to produce a sinless man descended from Adam, God provided a way whereby Jesus would have a human body derived from Adam’s line, yet uncontaminated by Adam’s sinful soul life. To accomplish this, God created the sperm containing a perfect soul life, which impregnated the egg in Mary’s fallopian tube.  This sperm, being perfect, carried only dominant characteristics and did what any sperm would do to an egg.  Therefore, the dominant characteristics of the genes determining the makeup of Jesus Christ came from his Father, God.  The miracle was the divine conception of Jesus, but like any infant he developed within Mary’s womb and was born according to natural processes.  But, the miracle of his divine conception enabled man’s redeemer to come into the world as a sinless, perfect human being, yet having the freedom of will to sin or not to sin.  Understanding all of this, many scriptures concerning Jesus’ descent from the lineage of David become much more meaningful: "of the fruit of his [David’s] loins, according to the flesh, he would raise up Christ” (Acts 2:30), "Jesus Christ our Lord, was made of the seed of David according to the flesh” (Rom. 1:3).  These verses do not say that Jesus Christ was of the seed of David "according to flesh” "and blood.”  That would be totally inaccurate.  Physically, according to the flesh, Jesus Christ can properly be said to be of the seed of David.  That is the great accuracy of these key verses of scripture.” (Wierwille, V. P., "Jesus Christ our Promised Seed,” Chapter 10, pp. 114-118, 1982, American Christian Press, Ohio). 

 "All men since Adam are born "dead in trespasses and sin” (Eph. 2:1), with the exception of Jesus, who was a sinless man and maintained himself sinless as he grew older.  Satan could have kept man in an uredeemable state of sin forever if man had eaten of the three of life after once sinning. If Adam and Eve had been allowed to stay in Paradise after the fall, Satan would have eternally defeated God.  In Heb. 2:14 we see that Jesus took some part, but not all; he did not share fully (koinoneo) our fallen nature; though he shares fully the human nature, as Adam had it before his fall. Flesh is used as a figure of speech for physical body, while blood represents life. Sin is transmitted through the soul life and not through the physical flesh, which is simply the vehicle that manifests sin. Nutritive elements and even antibodies pass freely from mother to fetus through the placenta, along with the waste products of the child’s metabolism which pass back to the mother. Normally, however, there is no actual interchange of blood.  All the blood in a male child is produced within the fetus itself (inherited by his father).  Sin made man’s soul life corruptible, but the soul life of Jesus was from God.  How wonderfully God prepared for the birth of His Son, Jesus Christ, from the beginning!.  When He formed and made woman, He made her so that no blood should pass directly from her to her offspring. Adam is the head of all the races of men on earth, and Jesus had to be of the line of Adam in order to fulfill the law.  God, to produce a sinless man, and yet one who was of the line of Adam, had to provide a way whereby Jesus would have a human body derived from Adam and yet not have soul life from Adam’s sinful blood.  In Jesus’ arteries and veins there was sinless soul life.  When Judas betrayed Jesus, he confessed: "I have betrayed the innocent blood” (Mt. 27:4.)  If Jesus Christ had had the same source of soul life as all other men, he could not have legally redeemed man for he would not have been a perfect sacrifice.  Similarly, if Jesus Christ had been God, he would not have legally redeemed man, for man could not have willfully chosen to do so.  Had God not cared to act within legal boundaries, He could have rectified the situation immediately after Adam and Eve’s fall.  But, had God done this, He would not have been all good and all perfect.  Jesus Christ brought righteousness because he willingly gave himself as a perfect, sinless sacrifice – a perfect redeemer. Christ, our Passover was sacrificed for us (1 Cor. 5:7).  Jesus Christ was without blemish and without spot.  Furthermore, the male Passover lamb was to be taken out from among the sheep.  This is why Jesus Christ had to be man.  He had to be one of the flock.  Christ met every requirement of the law ("Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth,” Rom. 10:4.)  Christ, the blemishless lamb, offered himself to God (Heb. 9:14)” (Wierwille, V. P., "Jesus Christ is not God,” Chapter 3: "The Man – Man’s Redeemer” pp. 70-81, 1981, American Christian Press, Ohio). 

 "If Jesus had been conceived by sexual relationship between Mary and Joseph, He would have been as sinful as any other child that is born of man’s seed, and would have shared fully in Adam’s flesh and blood,” "the original sin of Adam and Eve affected the whole blood stream. Since we are partakers of the flesh and blood of Adam and Eve, our lives are contaminated to the extent that there is no hope without a Savior who had sinless soul-life; Jesus Christ purchased us with his own blood, who in himself was deathless until he took the sin of others upon himself and died their death.  All of this because he was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of Mary,” "Mary’s "knowing not a man” (Lk. 1:34) means that Joseph and Mary had not yet had sexual intercourse with a resulting pregnancy.  The time of the coming together was determined by the priest and elders of the city, taking into consideration the birth-dates of the bride and groom,” "in the latter part of Mt. 1:20, the angel said to Joseph, "fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife.” To "take unto thee” means to draw close or to be intimate in sexual relations, literally "to take her as a wife,” nor just to take her and watch over her until the baby is born.  Mary is already the wife of Joseph. He "took unto him” (Mt. 1:24) simply means he had intercourse with Mary.  From this point on, Joseph and Mary lived in a normal marital relationship.  Mary was a virgin when she became pregnant (Mt. 1:23), even though Joseph took unto him his wife, "he knew her not,” and this last expression specifically has to do, not with sexual intercourse alone, but with sexual intercourse producing pregnancy.  Even though Joseph had sexual relations with Mary while she was pregnant with Jesus, Mary never conceived by Joseph until after Jesus Christ was born (it is possible for a woman to be pregnant again during the early days of the first pregnancy.  This verse contradicts that possibility in this particular situation. After Jesus was born, Mary and Joseph had more children, as Mt. 13:55-56 details: "[Jesus] brethren James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas? And his sisters, are they not all with us?”)  Thus the conception of Jesus Christ is by supernatural laws and the birth by natural law with one complementing the other and neither contrary one to the other” (scriptures to study the last issue: Gen. 4:1,17,25, 19:5,8,14, 24:16, 38:18,26, 39:14; Num. 31:17,18; Jdg. 21:12; 1 Sam. 1:19,20; for the full study see: Gen. 9:4; Lev. 17:11,14; Acts 17:24-26, 20:28; Heb. 9:22; Rom. 3:25, 5:9; 1 Pet. 1:19; 1 Jn. 1:7; Rev. 1:5, 5:9, 7:14, 12:11) (Wierwille, V. P., "The Word’s Way,” Chapter 10: "The Conception of Jesus Christ” pp. 157-174, 1971, American Christian Press, Ohio).

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