Sábado, 2025-02-01
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Anticovidian v.2 COVID-19: Hypothesis of the Lab Origin Versus a Zoonotic Event which can also be of a Lab Origin: https://zenodo.org/record/3988139


An example of a big mistake in the King James Version (1611, KJV, also called the Authorized Version, AV) is that the word "one” in Jn. 19:18 was not set there in italics by its translators (as that is the way in which they did indicate the words added by them). If they wanted to leave it there the word "one”, it should be left in ITALICS as "one”, and for more accuracy, should even be removed, being translated as: "Where they crucified him, and two other with him on either side and Jesus in the midst". This is an example of the most exciting studies in Bible accuracy, because no one Greek text, not even the oldest ones, includes the word "ONE”. Darby’s Translation (1889 Darby Bible) puts it in italics, as it should have been in the KJV, because it was added only by the translators, but was NOT present in any of the Greek manuscripts. Some examples of other good translators of such section are: 1976 Jay P. Green Sr. Green's Literal Translation (LITV), 1898 Robert Young's Literal Translation (YLT), 2001 Dr. Walter L. Porter's A Conservative Version (ACV), 1860 Benjamin Wilson's The Emphatic Diaglott (Diaglott), 1996 The Orthodox Jewish Brit Chadasha by Dr. Goble (OrthJBC, only his version in English), 1959 The Emphasized Bible by Joseph Bryant Rotherham (Rotherham), and even the Jerome's Latin Vulgate (~405 AD) DOES NOT include the word "ONE”. [To compare by yourself these versions go to: http://www.bibletechnologieswg.org/cgi-bin/diatheke.pl]. This eight examples of good translations for this verse show that there where FOUR crucified with Jesus Christ, two at each side.

You can study very carefully the Greek words used by Mt. and Mk., and compare them with Lk. (duo Lestai (robbers, Matthew 27:38; Mark 15:27) versus duo kakourgoi (malefactors, Luke 23:32)) and also the different timing of the arrival of each pair (the Malefactors arrived at the same time with Jesus Christ, and were crucified closer to him, while the Robbers arrived later on), and their different attitude regarding Jesus Christ (the two Robbers mocked him, but only one Malefactor did it, whereas the other believed in Jesus Christ's Innocence, Resurrection, and in his Future Coming to his Earthly Kingdom). The Revelation originally given by God to each writer is always complementary but never contradictory. There is a reason for the particular usage of every word in the Bible, and the careful student will discover those God's given treasures that have nothing to do with the ancient's dogmatism or traditions.

You can also verify it by reading the Appendix No. 164 by Ethelbert W. Bullinger, of the Companion Bible (~1913, see below), found here http://www.therain.org/appendixes/app164.html ; or also by reading some extra evidence presented elsewhere: http://cortright.org/fourcru.htm, http://www.jba.gr/Articles/jba2003_16.htm , http://www1.itech.net/~ydl/The_Four_Crucified_with_Christ.htm , http://www.pewterguy.com/bible/FiveCrucified.htm , http://www2.bibelcenter.de/bibel/cbc/tradtruth.htm.

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Tasters of the Word (YouTube), videos recientes: "Astronomía y Nacimiento de Jesucristo: Once de Septiembre Año Tres A.C.", "Estudio sobre Sanidades" (en 20 episodios), "Jesus Christ, Son or God?":http://www.youtube.com/1fertra



Tasters of the Word (the blog, with: "Astronomy and the Birth of Jesus Christ"):http://fertra1.blogspot.com



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