Domingo, 2025-02-02
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Anticovidian v.2 COVID-19: Hypothesis of the Lab Origin Versus a Zoonotic Event which can also be of a Lab Origin:


Bible Structures are evidence of the Divine Revelation and Inspiration of the Bible. There were many writers but the same Author, who is God. There is complementary information and also complementary structures that were not deliberately preconceived by the writers. Structures are the Symmetrical Exhibition of God’s Word by repetition of subjects that reappear, either in Alternation (i.e. A-A-B-B or A-B-C-A-B-C), or Introversion (i.e. A-B-C-C-B-A or A-B-C-D-C-B-A), or in multiple combinations of both. This is the Correspondence of words or expressions, which may be similar or opposite.

Bible Structures have a perfect design. Its telescopic structure gives us a broad picture of the word of God from Genesis to Revelation and can be further expanded by dividing and subdividing chapters, paragraphs, verses, sentences, and even in words. These words can be seen as part of a wonderful design, giving us a microscopic structure of its richness in details (and are a clarifying help in translation), and showing us that while the works of the Lord are great and perfect, the "Word” of the Lord is the greatest of His works, and is also perfect (Psalm 138.2 and Psalm 19.7). [The Companion Bible, Preface, page x].

 The Six Days of Genesis 1


A.  1.2-5 Darkness and Light Divided by God. Night and Day.


   B.  1.6-8 Waters, their Division, between them: Firmament-Heavens.                 


       C.  1.9-13 Earth or dry land appears. Plants, giving Seed and Fruit.


A.  1.14-19 Day and Night. God Made the Sun, the Moon, the Stars.


B. 1.20-23 Waters. Soul-life Created there. Open firmament-heavens, fowls.


      C.  1.24-31 Earth. Life from it, animals made. Man Created, spirit on man.


[The Companion Bible, Genesis, page 3].


The structure of the word Peace in the Epistle to the Ephesians:


A. 1.2  Peace From God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ

B.  2.14  He (Christ) is our Peace

B. a.  2.15 New Man created in him, making Peace – linked with Unity

               b.   2.17 preaching (good news of) Peace – to us (the Body of Christ)

               a.  4.3 bond of the Peace - linked with Unity

b.  6.15 gospel (good news) of the Peace – we, to others

A.  6.23 Peace to the brethren From God the Father and from the Lord Jesus


He is our peace in Ephesians 2.14-15


A.  He (Christ) is our peace.

     B.  Who hath made the both (Jew and Gentile) one (the Body of Christ).

          C.  And the middle wall of partition having broken down.

D.  The enmity.

C. the law of the commandment in decrees having abolished in his flesh.

     B.  To create in him (Christ) the two (Jew and Gentile) into one new man.

A.  Making peace.

The unity of the spirit in the bond of the peace in Ephesians 4.3-6


A. One Body

B. One Spirit

C. One Hope

D. One Lord (he, our peace and the center of the unity)

C. One Faith

B. One Baptism

A. One God and Father


The structure of the word Created in the Epistle to the Ephesians


A.       2.10 We – created by God in Christ Jesus unto good works.

A.  a.  2.15 The Both (Jew and Gentile) created in him (in Christ).

                      The New Man (The Body of Christ, we as a group, the Ekklesia).

       b.   3.9 All things – created by God [and all things are ours, 1Cor. 3:21-23].

  a.  4.24 Ye – created according to God in Righteousness and True  

                Holiness. The New Man (Christ in us, we individually), to renew 

                our mind with this reality, linked in the new creation with peace.

[Structures published in Things to Come, 1914-1915].

Structure of the word Created in the introduction of Genesis (Gen. 1.1-2.3)


A. 1.1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (which became ruined in the rebellion of Lucifer, darkness upon the deep)

   B.  1.21 God created soul-life, great whales… and flying fowl.

   B.  1.27 God created the man in His image (God is Spirit, Jn. 4.24), in the

                 image of God created He him; male and female created He them  

                (spirit lost in the fall of Adam, regained New by Christ to/in us).

A.  2.3 Seventh day, God’s rest from all His work which He created and  

      made (heavens and earth which are now, were started in darkness, will end in fire).

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