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QUOTATIONS OF BULLINGER REGARDING "evolution” AND the so-called science:

 …Oh! What an important lesson for all who would minister or speak for God. He himself is to be the one great theme of all our testimony. Nothing lower; nothing less; nothing different.

 And what a blow to the new idea of "evolution,” whether Scientific or "Christian.” Here, we have Jehovah in every line for four long chapters speaking of His own works as being each His own specific creation, and the result of his own creative acts.

 Just as, in Genesis 1, we have the great Creator speaking, moving, creating, making, and blessing, thirty-five times in that one chapter; so here, in every line, Jehovah speaks of Himself as the Creator of everything in all its wondrous details as to object, and purpose, and effect. So that it is impossible to receive the testimony of the Word of God, and the conjectures of "evolution.” There is not room for both. One must go.

 If we accept God’s Word, we cannot admit the very first idea of even what is called "Christian” "evolution”. If we accept "evolution”, then we make the Word of God worse than a lie; we make it an imposture of the gravest kind.

 According to Genesis 1, and these four chapters of Job, God created each thing with its own specific attributes, and powers of reproducing "after its kind”; each with its own definite object and purpose.


According to "Christian” "evolution,” God did nothing of the kind. He created a "cell”: and from this, we are asked to believe, all else was evolved!


We answer, it is easier to believe God than to believe this hypothesis. To do the latter is simply credulity, and not faith at all: for no one has ever yet seen one thing evolve into a different thing. We can see flowers and animals "improved” or otherwise by cultivation; but no flower has ever evolved into an animal! These can be respectively developed or improved, but if they be left, they at once revert to their original type, and do not go on to evolve into a higher and different species altogether.


No; the two systems are incompatible. And we believe God. We accept the great truth here announced: that "God is greater than man.” He is the Almighty Creator: and our testimony is to be of Him, and of His Word, and of His grace, and of His power, and of all His other wondrous attributes.


But, alas, today the pulpits are occupied with the praise of man; man’s wonderful discoveries and inventions are dwelt upon. His wisdom and cleverness are extolled. Man is practically deified; while God is deposed, or bowed out of His own creation. It is the gospel of humanity that is preached, rather than the Gospel of God.


His Word, instead of being proclaimed, is criticized. And, instead of obeying it, man is sitting in judgment upon it!


This oldest lesson in the world, therefore, comes like a lightning flash, exposing the vanity of modern ministry, and illuminating the darkness by which we are surrounded.


No wonder "the end of the man” is so different from "the end of the Lord.” No wonder that, instead of the sinner’s being humbled in the dust before the mighty God, he is exalted with self-righteousness and pride. No wonder that, instead of being brought down, he is puffed up. No wonder that the results of man’s ministry are so opposite to the results of Jehovah’s ministry, as we see it in this book (of Job).


The object and aim of the one is to make man moral and right for time; while the "end” of the other is the humbling of man, so that he may be made Divinely righteous for ever.


The moral improvement of man is the end and aim of man today; while the conviction of sin, as the condition of eternal blessing, is the object of Jehovah – "the end of the Lord.”


The very precepts and persuasions addressed to men (whether sinners or saints) only serve to minister to the natural pride of the human heart; and thus tend to defeat the very end in view.


They only lift man into a temporary sense of being more or less right; while the one object of the Gospel is to convict him of being altogether wrong: for this is the one necessary condition before man can know God’s righteousness. Man must be humbled before he can be exalted.


Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar are as busy today as ever – trying to make men good, by reasoning and persuasion. But they only "darken counsel by words without knowledge.”


Oh, for more, like Elihu, who shall speak "on God’s behalf”: who shall expose the vanity of this gospel of humanity; and point men to the living God.


This is the lesson which we learn from the fact that Jehovah, when He intervenes, and undertakes to accomplish all, where al others have failed, speaks only of Himself.


Apart from all that He says; apart from the beauty and glory of all that He reveals; the fact that Himself is His one great theme speaks to us, if we have ears to hear; and that fact says: - True ministry is to interpret (chap. 33.23) the God of Grace to lost sinners. And this was the object of Christ’s own ministry on earth (John 1.18)…


Bullinger, E. W., 1990. The Book of Job, The oldest Lesson in the World. P. 40-42. Kregel, U.S.A.



…We are living in days when the "leaven” has so spread throughout the whole lump that the "unleavened bread of sincerity and truth” is rarely to be met with.


Not only the "leaven” of the Scribes and Pharisees, but the "leaven” of Natural and Mental Philosophers is to be seen and read on every hand…


When Professor Drummond and Herbert Spencer have reconstructed their Philosophy of God, Man, and the Universe, they will find to their shame and confusion that their system of Social Ethics is after all but a poor thing, and that the true "Factor” is altogether wanting. They will then have to own that beyond the range of their philosophy is a wisdom which none of the Princes or Philosophers of this world knew, for had they known it they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory.”


Bullinger, E. W., Editor’s Table: "The Ascent of Man”, Things to Come, July 1894, 1(1):20.



   "… According to Professor Drummond "the earliest home of the primitive man” was "a cave in the rocks,” the simplest and most "unevolved” form of human habitation. This statement is evidently not a quotation from Genesis, for man is not relegated to a cave in Genesis, chap. 1, nor can we find the word "troglodyte” in chapter 2, for there we see man’s beautiful home is called "Eden.” Surely the leafy bowers and shady glens of this well-watered garden were superior to the "one-roomed hut…”


Bullinger, E. W., Prof. Drummond’s "The Ascent of Man”, Things to Come, August 1894, 1(2):35.



"Lord Salisbury’s remarkable address before the British Association Meeting at Oxford calls for a reply not only from Professor Huxley and evolutionists of the "agnostic philosophy” of Herbert Spencer, but also from "theistic evolutionists” such as Professor Henry Drummond and Le Conte…


While clearly distinguishing between "monistic evolutionists” of the type of professor Haeckel of Jena, who deny design in Nature, and despise Revelation altogether, from "theistic evolutionists” such as Professor Drummond and Le Conte, who recognize design, and believe, to some limited extent, in the Word of God, we cannot shut our eyes to the fact that until Lord Kelvin has been fairly answered, such books as the Ascent of Man, which uphold the Darwinian hypotheses of the origin and transmutation of species and the gradual evolution of all races of men through animals, from simple protoplasmic forms of life, need not be regarded as anything else than foolish attempts to shut up the Creator…


…we who believe that there is more "Divine philosophy” and true science in the Word of God than in the books of all these writers, are in no way perplexed by the awkward predicament in which these modern scientists find themselves.


The true answer to all these theories is to be found in the Word of God alone…”


Bullinger, E. W., evolution and Christianity, or Prof. Drummond’s "The Ascent of Man”, Things to Come, September 1894, 1(3):53-54.



"…In order to bring about the mingling of the spiritual natures of evil angels and men, and ultimately the worship of Satan by man, as foretold in Revelation 13, this reaction in the direction of mysticism will of course largely partake of that old perversion and caricature of the revelation of God to man which was such a marked feature in the religious systems of Egypt and India…


…Alas! We know that both Satan and rebellious man will for a time have their way. The whole world will worship the dragon. He will give his power, his throne, "and his great authority” to the coming "Man”, and the worship of humanity will go on side by side with the worship of the fallen Lucifer.


Christians who have been already spiritually translated to a "higher plane”… through the redemption by that precious blood… will shortly be translated thither by divine power, and then, and not till then, will Satan, with his evil angels… thoroughly "instruct men”…”


Bullinger, E. W., The Signs of the Times: "evolution of humanity”, Things to Come, October 1894, 1(4):79.



 "…Satan’s great aim is to shut out God: to get rid of the supernatural. The critics get rid of the supernatural in Revelation; the scientists get rid of it in Creation; and now, Preachers seek to get rid of it in the work of the New Creation. It is evolution in each case, showing that evolution is Satanic in its origin, though it is ignorantly carried out by men. "There is no God” is what it all leads to; and will all end in. This is what the fool once said in his heart. Today they say it with their lips.


But it is in the New Creation work, as it was in the old, "all things are of God.” If any man be in Christ he is a new creation; old things are passed away: behold all things are become new. And all things are of God” (2 Cor. 4.17,18).”


This is the testimony of New Testament teaching. It is now true, that in the heart of the saved sinner it is as it was in the old creation. "God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ” (2 Cor. 3.6). It is now as it was then – "God commanded,” "God said,” "God called,” "God blessed.” Thirty-five times we have such expressions in Gen. 1., as though God – fore-seeing man’s invention of the theory of evolution – has stamped His name so indelibly in that chapter that it cannot be got rid of without getting rid of the whole book! And that is what the critics are now doing, saying that Creation and Paradise and the Fall, etc., etc., are all "Myths.”


But this only confirms the truth of the Book: for it foretells that that is exactly what would take place. "The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but… they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables” (Greek – Myths. 2 Tim. 4:3,4)…


This New Creation work is so complete that, when we have experienced this work and received this wondrous light (2 Cor. 3:6), we gain the glorious knowledge of God that we died with Christ; that we were buried with Christ; that we were quickened with Christ; that we are now raised with Christ; and are now only waiting for our ascension, so to be ever with Him…


This is God’s salvation. It is divine in its source; perfect in its work; and eternal in its results…


If such an one has a weak or short measure of knowledge of what God has made him to be in Christ, he will be vainly thinking that by something he can do he can add to that completeness, and will only heap up misery for himself in attempting such an impossible task. But if he realizes the wonderful Salvation which God has wrought, and has a full measure of knowledge of what God has made Christ to be unto him, then he will have perfect rest, peace, and enjoyment; and instead of vainly struggling to progress in Righteousness or Sanctification, he will be "giving thanks unto the Father, which HATH MADE us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light.””


Bullinger, E. W., Editorials, evolution in the "New Creation”?, Things to Come, September 1902, (9):3.



"…The theory of evolution had its origin in the darkness of the heathen mind. It was taught by Anexagoras (B. C. 428), Plato (B. C. 384), and Epicurus (B. C. 270).


The late Dr. Darwin was the modern reviver of this heathen theory. He says, "I believe that animals have descended from at most only four or five progenitors, and plants from an equal or lesser number. Analogy would lead me one step further, namely, to the belief that all animals and plants have descended from some one prototype… I should infer from analogy, that probably all the organic beings which have ever lived on this earth have descended from some one primordial form, into which life was first breathed” (Origin of Species, 1st. edition. 1859, P. 484.).


The late professor Huxley became the exponent of Darwin’s theories, and in his lay sermon preached on January 7th, 1866, he said, "Skepticism is the highest of duties...”


…Huxley goes on to say, "If the doctrine of evolution is true, living matter must have arisen from not-living matter.” (Anatomy of Invertebrated Animals, P. 39). Thus we are, after all, landed in skepticism pure and simple; and we are expected to receive this assertion in "blind faith”.


But, like Elihu, we have something also to say on God’s behalf, and a few facts will be worth whole volumes of hypotheses and inferences


The first is PERMANENCE OF SPECIES. Harvey’s great axiom was, "All life is from an egg” Birds first bring forth their eggs and hatch them externally; while animals hatch them internally and bring forth afterwards. Al the eggs of birds are identical in their chemical composition: and yet each egg produces its own species, without any variation. Each species has its own identical habits and instincts, differing from those of other species. A Duck hatched by a Hen will, on coming out of its shell, seek the water, of which he can have had no previous experience; while the Hen dare not follow.


With both animals and plants there is the same undeviating permanence of species. "hybrids and varieties” can be obtained by crossing, but these have no permanence and no power of reproduction. The Crab-apple and the vine may grow close together from the very same soil. Their roots may intertwine; they may have the same air, the same showers, the same sun; but, the one will be sour and the other sweet. This difference is seen to be permanent.


In the face of this permanence, we are asked to believe man when he tells us that this difference is accounted for by evolution. We reply, we will not commit the sin of putting "blind faith” in man’s theory; but we will be skeptical with regard to it, and believe God, because the unchangeable permanence which we see in all species of life proves the genuiness of their indelible hall-mark "after his kind” (Gen. 1:11, 12, 21, 24, 25, etc.), having its "seed within itself” (Gen. 1:11.12).


Thus, tried by facts, which are open to verification by all, the theories, and beliefs, and inferences and hypotheses of men sink into nothing, and are shown to be absolutely unworthy of the name "science.” For the Latin scientia means knowledge.


… Facts are what we actually know, while evolution is only what men think.


What we demand, and have the right to require (in the interests of Science itself) is that evidence must be forthcoming to justify any belief in the gradual transition from one genus to another.


And our readers must refuse to accept any hypothesis which is put forth without such evidence.”


Bullinger, E. W., Things New and Old: the Fallacies of evolution, Things to Come, August 1903, 10(2):19-20.



"We give below a few extracts from a very brilliant review which appeared in the Daily Telegraph of Feb. 9th. It is an illustration of God’s assertion as to most mere Scientists: - "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools” (Rom. 1:22). And this is true. So true, that the greater the profession, the greater is the result…


"These ‘Last Words’ of Ernest Haeckel’s are comprised in a reprint of three lectures which the Jena professor delivered in Berlin, and they are translated from the second German edition by Mr. Joseph McCabe: "Innumerable observations and uninterrupted reflections of the wonderful vital movements that are disclosed by these smallest and frailest, and, at the same time, most beautiful and varied of living things”… "The pretty flinty skeleton of the Radiolaria which enclose and protect the unicellular body are remarkable not only for their extraordinary gracefulness but also for the geometrical regularity and relative constancy of their forms.”… "The relative constancy with which the 4,000 species transmit the orderly and often very complex form of their protective flinty structure from generation to generation can only be explained by admitting in the builders the invisible plasma molecule of the pseudopodia, ‘a fine plastic sense of distance,’ and a tenacious recollection of the architectural power of their fathers”. Dr. Haeckel’s answer… It’s all a work of memory!. Wonderful! Who would have expected so much memory in a single-celled microscopic Radiolarian, possessing neither brain nor nerve? On similar lines cannot anything be explained? Moreover, how did their fathers, ages before, learn the value of geometric regularity?… we have referred to the most beautiful of the sponges, Euplectella. The Jena professor admits that "sensation and movement are developed in the faintest degree in the sponges; they have no nerves, muscles, or organs of sense,” and yet have memory and "plastic sense of distance,” sufficient to build up a system of canals, permeating their body-walls, with such symmetry and beauty as man could hardly imitate.


Prof. Haeckel "made a very close study of the unicellular protests and their primitive cell-soul”… Haeckel has no doubt about any number of souls. Besides the cell-soul, he has the communal-soul, the tissue-soul, the plant-soul, and could, we have no doubt, if desirable for his theory, create any number more…


The Berlin lecturer would have done well to stop with the admission he made years before, "that the innermost character of Nature is just as little understood by us as it was by Anaximander and Empedocles 2,400 years ago.”…


… Here are his very "Last Words”: "… as the Gospel says… We find God in natural law itself. The will of God is at work in every falling drop of rain and every growing crystal, in the scent of the rose and the spirit of man.”


They come from one who has been regarded as a Monistic Atheist, one who has ridiculed the belief in God as a superstition, and on the preceding page as something that must "cease to pose as truth”; yet here in solemn "last words” he tells his disciples that "the will of God is at work in every falling drop of rain”! Instead of "the Riddle of the Universe,” we have now "the Riddle of Haeckel.”


Bullinger, E. W., Things New and Old: Last Words on evolution: The Riddle of Haeckel, Things to Come, April 1906, 12(4):43.



"The unregenerated man, whether a professing Christian or not, is always seeking to justify his unbelief. Hence the ready acceptance of Darwin’s theory…


Man has observed in the world, and has become acquainted with, two distinct methods of working. These two methods proceed respectively from different spiritual sources and are radically different one from the other. One is a method of evolution; that is, a method of continual change from one set of conditions to another, with increasing diversity and ramifications, in the effort to work out a result which is not clearly defined to consciousness, and which constantly eludes pursuit. The other is a method of creation; according to which the plan and pattern of each thing is complete and perfect from the beginning, admitting of no improvement or development.


One method is that of a mighty but imperfect spiritual being, who aims at attaining, after a long succession of failures, some ideal state or result, and who in that endeavour perseveringly evolves one new expedient after another, as successive failures materialize. The other method is that of an Omnipotent and All-wise Being, Who works after the counsel of His own perfect will, Who has no need to experiment, and with Whom failure is impossible.


One method is that of Satan; the other method is that of Jehovah-Elohim…


The method of evolution is found only in human affairs and nowhere else in the universe


We may be sure that Satan desires that his method should be well thought of, whatever he may now – after these centuries of testing – think of it himself; and doubtless he takes much satisfaction in having imposed upon apostate Christendom the belief that his method of evolution was the divine method of creation…”


Mauro, P., The Truth About "Evolution”, Things to Come, January 1908, 14(1):6-9.



"Evolution is undeniably the order of this present world wherein evil is found, (for evil, like evolution, is not found outside of man’s world,) and there is no escape from it for sinful man except by death. Therefore Christ "gave Himself for our sins that He might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father” (Gal 1:4.)


One common quality of all the products of evolution which serve to distinguish them from all the products of creation, is the instability of the former, and their tendency to revert to their original condition, that is to the condition into which they were brought by creation.


In the light of the truth here presented we perceive whom it is that men worship when they do homage to the god of "evolution”.”


Mauro, P., The Truth About "Evolution”, Things to Come, February 1908, 14(2):20-23.



"Thomas A. Edison is no mean scientist, and this is what he says on the subject in Suggestive Therapeutics:


"There are more frauds in modern science than anywhere else… Take a whole pile of them that I can name, and you will find uncertainty, if not imposition, on half of what they state as scientific truth. They have time and again set down experiments as done by them, curious, out-of-the-way experiments that they never did, and upon which they have founded so-called scientific truths. I have been thrown off my track often by them, and for months at a time. Try the experiments yourself, and you will find the result altogether different… I tell you I’d rather know nothing about a thing in science, nine times out of ten, than what the books would tell me; for practical purposes, for applied science, the best science, the only science, I’d rather take the thing up and go through with it myself, I’d find out more about it than anyone could tell me, and I’d be sure of what I know. That’s the thing. Professor this or that will controvert you out of the books that it can’t be so, though you have it right in the hollow of your hand all the time, and could break his spectacles with it!”


What will the scientists say to this testimony from such an expert? And what will the many who have been accustomed to put so much faith in science say?”


Bullinger, E. W., "Science falsely so-called”, Things to Come, October 1901, 8(4):39-40.



"The "assured” results of yesterday are overthrown by the investigators of today. But, God, "Thy Word is Truth,” and shall stand for ever.”


"Signs of the Times: Science so-called”, Things to Come, October 1913, 19(10):118-119.
A continuación, la búsqueda para el desaparecido sitio con algunos de los trabajos de Ethelbert W. Bullinger, que yo tenía en geocities dot com / thatblessedhope





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